Monday, October 8, 2007

I've been swallowed up by Ravelry

What is Ravelry you ask? It's yarn smack! I happily click, click through projects and forums and people. The more I do it the more I want to do. The simple answer Ravelry is an online community where you can organize your yarn stash, finished projects, works in progress and queue up projects you want to do someday. And more, much much more.

Right now you have to get on a waiting list to get it in. It's worth the wait, I'm just sayin.' Come on check it out you know you want to. Ravelry is here

In other news I've got some work done on my Susanne sweater I am working on from Cool Crochet. I'm at a loss with the Autumn Romance Pullover from the Fall 2007 Interweave crochet. I'm either very confused or the pattern is just wrong.

We splurged on costumes for the kids so I don't have anything to sew or make. Jade will be a Witch and Corbin will be a Cowboy, very traditional this year:)

I'm not sure what I will be but I will be wearing my Hallowi, a free patten on Knitty.

I think this looks better on my son.
Hallowig on my son

Remeber that freeform doll blanket that I have been working on since forever? It's done!
Freeform Doll Blanket

I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
Freeform Doll Blanket - close up

I'm on day 10 without coffee and doing well. The first day I had a headache but was totally able to get through it with some painkiller. The next day I had a light headache and took a little for that. I'm sleeping better at night. I don't miss the coffee in the morning per say but occasionally I'm hit with a craving for a cuppa. I think that's what I miss the most, the taste.

That's all for now. Thanks for coming by.


  1. Wow, I admire you for giving up coffee! I´ve tried, I just can´t survive.

    I LOVE that doll quilt, it is absolutely gorgeous. I´m working on a full-size afghan right now for Christmas . . . we´ll see if I get it done in time.

  2. Hmmm, gave up coffee, I was in the local store the other day, and a tea company called "Celestial Seasonings" makes a blend.....I can't recall the name, but the blurb on the box was about people who wanted something more "robust" for flavor in the morning. This product was caffieen *SP* free!

    LOL, I also wanted to admire your doll blanket.

  3. Oooh! Love the swirl doll blanket! That is so original.

  4. the blanket turned out beautifully! i'm going to make one for my wee son. thank you for the inspiration, and sharing your learning process.
