I've been busy crocheting, hunting for
bento boxes, and playing pokemon with the kids so I haven't had much time for blogging.
My stash busting has been my biggest crafting distraction over the last few days. Yesterday, I finished weaving in the last of the ends. Oh my, there were a lot of ends to weave in! I love the looks of it not to mention I used up over 8 skeins of Knit Picks Merino style wool at the same time. Colorwise this was a big stretch for me, but I think it turned out well.

I posted pics of the project on crochetville and someone asked for some tips to make their own.
I adapted a pattern from Hip to Crochet

These turned out a bit bigger than I'd like so I need to reduce the number of stitches or use a smaller hook if I make these again. I think they will serve me well for the most part.
I started with a foundation chain of 26 and ended with 24 stitches across. Really you could start with any number of stitches. Then I varied the patterns looking through Encyclopedia of Crochet, 63 Crocheted Blocks for ideas, and just my own memory. I chose not to use fpdc stitches because I wanted it to lay flat and not have an obvious wrong side or right side. I didn't worry if the patterns didn't work out balanced. If needed 2 dcs on one end and one dc on the other that was fine with me. I did do some frogging to make the patterns work out nicely or if I missed stitches. So a skinnier scarf would make that more painless.

After weaving in ALL the ends I added fringe. If I had more yarn left I wold have added curlies instead.

I crocheted the hat vertically. The base row of hat had 16 sts across. I started with dc stitches on the right moving to hdcs then sc at the end. On the return row I would do all sc or scs moving to hdcs, this gave the hat some shaping so when I sewed the hat together and finished the top it was less gathered the top. On the hat I really played with cable stitches. I would wrap it around my head when I thought is was large enough, if not I added a few more rows. When it was long enough I fastened off leaving a long tail to sew the sides together with the right sides together.
To close up the top of the hat I first sc around on the right side, then did sc decreases around in a spiral until the top of the hats was finished then fastened off and wove in the end. I'm not completely satisfied with the look of the top of the hat. If I make this kind of hat again I might sc across before sewing then sides together and gather the top together. Alternatively I could crochet a circle and sew that to the top.

I made a rolled brim for the hat. I started with sc around on the wrong side of the hat, then did at least 2 row of hdcs, you might want to do more so the wrong side of the had doesn't show. Then I did a few rows of fpdc changing colors and finished it off with a shell stitch. I haven't done it yet but the hat could do with gentle steam blocking to make a sharper crease where the rolled brim begins. You could also end with finishing row of sc or hdcs on the right side of the hat.
Good luck making you own own colorful stash busting set.