YARN! sort of yarn. I'm dreaming of yarn and swatching with some yarn. I want to design my own sweater so I've been swatching up some ideas.
I've picked out a few sweaters and some shawls to make soon too. I plan to plunk some money down for some nice fiber at my local yarn store this weekend. I might just stop by before meeting with some of my favorite moms to have a cup of coffee or meal maybe, depends on my mood. So if for some reason I don't show up at the coffee shop it means the bamboo yarn has me in it's drapy, silky trance or the Frog Tree Alpaca has lulled me into a soft slumber. Feel free to drag me away from the Yarn Barn, I 'cause I want to see you too.
It used to be that books stores lulled me into his kind of stupor but not so now, now it's yarn or yarn books.
So with out further ado here are some of my up and coming project just for me.

Sweaters from Hip to Crochet and Cool Crochet. A shawl and a skirt and possible a tank from Amazing Crocheted Lace, and another Shawl from an old Mon Tricot Mag.

Some swatching for the sweater I want to design. I'm using a star stitch I found in the Encyclopedia of Stitchery. I love how it looks. If I go with this it will be for the body of the sweater and I will do a slightly different pattern for the sleeves. The swatches are in a very decadent yarn by Frog Tree it's a pima cotton, silk blend. It is luscious, I love the muted colors and it's pricey. The sweater if I use the frog tree yarn would cost me lots of dollars so I might not and it's not a very practical sweater.
Ugh! Edited to correct typo's. I had not had my coffee yet.