Sunday, April 11, 2010

Flower Salad for Lunch

Food from the backyard some of it considered weeds!

Flower Salad

Salad mix came from the farmers market. The flowers in the salad came from the backyard: wild violets are the blue white flowers and the pinkish ones are redbud flowers. Eat up it's good for you!


The rest of the lunch was leftover Slower Cooker Barbecued Beef Brisket in the Spring 2010 issue of Cooks illustrated. It was goooood! Finally roasted sweet potatoes. I cut the sweet potatoes up then tossed them with garlic powder, onion powder, cumin and salt then cooked them in a 400 deg oven for 20 or more min. I actually meant to add a wee bit of chipotle powder but forgot.


  1. Hi,

    Hmmmm, the greens ok, but not quite sure about the flowers. Sure is a pretty salad though.

    Actually I've come to realize sometime back, that dark leafy greens are very satiable, filling and satisfying food. Imagine the nutrition it contains to do that?

    Crocheting Mom
