I'm in a funk not much of a fiber funk as I have been busy along that front.
I've been working on this lapghan from Jan Eaton's
200 Crochet Blocks. I used el cheap Read Heart Super Saver 'cause in my house easy washing is necessary and an I/5.5mm hook. The book recommends dk weight yarn and i want to make one in dk some day. It would be more delicate.

I've been working on it for a month or so. I've had the darndest time figuring out how to join it. I have sewn and crochet and unsewn and ripped out may ways and finally settle on what you see here. I still not entirely pleased with the result but it is growing on me.

Joining squares challenges my desire for perfection and they don't sew up neatly like quilt blocks. So I'm learning to appreciate that.
I've made up a few more thread grannies as well.

There is something so therapeutic in this basic square. I need therapeutic lately. I am in a funk. I 'm trying find my way out of it. The sunshine is sure helping but still I am not inspired in parts of my life I want to be inspired. I'm inspired to the point of overwhelm fiberwise. I want to learn how to spin and knit! I have a crochet pattern library that is insane. Where will ever find the time???
I love it all. At the same time I am in a rut, my kids are calling for me and I'm not answering like I think I should. They aren't being ignored but I'm not all there either. I need to find some some kind of balance but that's not the right word. Well, now I have said it I hope that makes it real and reminds myself to get working all parts of my life not just the fiber part.