Breakfast yesterday leftover oatmeal topped with toasted walnut, flax seed, some dried cranberries, and a bit of half-n-half.
I was a bit hungry later and had a slice of homemade bread topped with cheese.

Lunch was pinto beans, quinoa, sauteed then baked squash and red peppers from last nights dinner, succotash, local mesclun greens, and leftovers of the steamed broccoli and sweet potatoes from yesterdays lunch topped with some cheese and a bit of salsa.
Dinner was 5 Things inspired from Let's Cook Japanese. The recipe did not call for not garlic or onions (it did call for green onions but I didn't have any) so I was skeptical that this would taste very good. The only flavoring was the sugar, soy sauce you add at the end and the veggies of course. I might add a bit more flavor but not much more using more suace or some ginger but then maybe it's not 5 things anymore?

There's maybe 1.5 cups of food there.
My 5 things included the following:
Burdock root
Obviously had more than five things! I'm not sure which five things should be counted? You can find the recipe I used
here. Served on some short grained brown rice.
Served on top of the 5 things was some steamed arugula topped with a toasted sesame soy sauce dressing that is just yum!
At 11 pm I still felt nicely full. So I'm not starving reducing the carbs in my diet. Almost the exact opposite. I can't see how in the heck I'm supposed to eat 4.5 cups of fruits and veggies each day. Maybe if I only ate veggies I could do it. As it is I feel like I have drastically reduced my grain intake.