Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Whole Wheat (almost) Artisan Bread

I'm giving the Whole Wheat recipe a try but I did tweak it a bit.

Only 6.5 cups total flour 2 of which are unbleached white flour and I only used 1 table spoon of yeast. Since I used less yeast I'll need to let it rise longer.

After 4 plus hours the dough had barely doubled. So I did a trick my daughter shared which she learned from Alton Brown. I boiled some water in my tea kettle then poured the hot water in a pan and put it in the oven. Then placed the rising dough in the oven. In an hour the dough had risen even more but not quite as much as I'd like. So I will add vital wheat gluten to the recipe next time. Use the same measurements for everything else.

I cut off about 1/3 of the dough to make a small round loaf. I don't have a picture to share because the bread was gone before I had a chance. I used the same dough to make cinnamon rolls and they were delish.

I did get a photo of the light wheat bread I baked up last night that was done in time to have a bit of bread and jam and an attitude adjustment before bead.


I made some pita bread with the same light wheat dough. I was so fun to watch them puff up on the pizza stone. It was like magic. I made pita bread!

Just to remind you that I was originally the fiber star related to yarnish fiber that is. I leave you with Sarah the Sleepy Ninja:


My son embroidered the eyes then went off to play with her. When I found her to take the picture she was holding a sword which explain how Sleepy Sarah (free pattern is on Ravelry if you are not a member you should be!) became a Ninja.

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